The aura is believed to be an electromagnetic field that surrounds not only the human body, but also every organism in the universe. The aura is said to be a part of the human energy field that is made up of magnetic energies that are suspended around the human body in an oval or egg shaped field. This field extends to roughly 2-3 feet on all sides. The aura is said to
List of Auric Bodies:
Physical Physical sensations, physical comfort, pleasure, health.
Etheric Emotions with respect to self, self-acceptance and self love.
Vital Rational mind, understanding of situations in a clear, linear, rational way.
Astral Relations with others, loving interaction with friends and family.
Lower mental Divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.
Higher mental Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.
Spiritual Divine mind, serenity, understanding of the greater universal pattern.
Meanings of Aura Colors
- Red: life force, survival, raw passion, anger, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance, feeling overwhelmed by change
- Orange: sensuality, physical pleasure, emotional self-expression, creativity, lacking reason, lacking self-discipline, health, vitality
- Yellow: mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, child-like, ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling
- Green: healing, peace, nurturing, new growth, fear, need for security, jealousy and envy, balance
- Blue: verbal communication, freethinking, relating to structure and organization, emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities
- Purple: wisdom, authoritative, female energies, matriarchal, sense of superiority, controlling, imagination, intuition
- Brown: grounding, down to earth, practical, male energies, invalidating, emphasizing body and denying spirit, feeling worth-less
- Black: issues relating to death, hatred, lack of forgiveness, unresolved karma, dark intentions, shadow games, needing compassion for self
- Pink: self-love, tenderness, female energies, gay energies, emphasis on physical appearances, being 'nice' at expense of being 'real'
- White (Cloudy): New Age or religious energy, lacking consciousness, a cover-up, denial, being 'good' at expense of being 'whole'
- White (Clear): very high spiritual vibration, godly, divine, inspiration, seeing spiritual big picture, compassionate
- Gold: high spiritual vibration, integrity, respect, freedom, clear seeing, integrating spirit and body, creating as spirit
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